Friday, June 10, 2011

little conversation here

There is one question. I read this on my formspring. Anyone can ask by using anonymous kn. Tu tak kesah la. Tp soalan die tu, hmm. Kenapa you tak tulis blog you dalam bahasa melayu eh? And kenapa banyak cerita pasal love story je? Firstly, mcm terkena kejutan elektrik baca soalan dia. Terkedu, terkesima, terpana. Haa, kau tau ke terpana tu ape? hahaha. No offense la ye, im kidding. 

Ok lah, writing this blog in english which is not my first language is totally my own decision! Tak de sapa yg suruh atau yg mempengaruhi. I got some feedback about my writing, which was not so positive. Some people mentioned the quality of my writing, there are problems of grammatical error and spelling of the words. Belum lagi pasal poyo, menggelabah, bajet. That being so sad, i started to think about the reason why people said it to me, and am i wrong? Mula-mula kn langsung tak terfikir pasal ni. Sbb ingatkn tak xde org amek kesah pn. Pnh la tny pendapat kawan-kawan, tp Mimie ckp ok je. Dia suka. Maybe dia suka tp yg lain tak kot. tehee.

I had problems writing in english. Sek Keb Tinggi Port Dickson je pn, bkn Convernt school, Victoria School ke ape ke. Anak melayu plak tu, dah tentu la Bahasa Melayu jadi bahasa harian. Hand writing, grammar, spelling error dalam bahasa inggeris berterabur lagi ni and is still kinda bad. Boring la kan klu belajar menulis ni untuk diri sendiri je. Cuba korg tulis dlm kertas pastu baca sendiri, beza tak dengan korg tulis bnd tu dlm blog gni. Definitely yes lah! Sekurang-kurangnya kalau di publishkan, org bleh comment, bleh bgtau salah silapnya. Personally i wanted to write, I wanted to put my thoughts and i wanted to get better writing skills. Even it means getting critics some days. ;( 

Mcm kita semua biasa dengar la, English is the worlds most important language. Setuju kn? Contoh la, cuba la kau cari pemakanan spesific pemain bola sepak semasa latihan dan menghadapi perlawanan dalam BM kt internet, ade tak? Truly, i did it. Ada tp sikit. Which means kalau kau pandai Bahasa Inggeris, kau boleh communicate with most parts of planet. Bermaksud keje lebih mudah, tak de En Rizal reject assignment aku, atau En Kamarudin ckp bahan tak cukup. Got it? Bkn nk memperlekehkan bahasa Melayu. It is still bahasa Kebangsaan kita. Aku pn cakap bahasa Melayu kt rumah. Ingat wan aku fhm ke aku ckp bahasa Inggeris dengan die? Lidah melayu ni tak akan hilang la. Cuma bila org mempersoalkan knp blog aku ditulis dlm Bahasa Inggeris tu yg bwt aku nk berucap panjang lebar ni. Hahahaha. Klu ikut jawapan kasar aku kang, suka hati aku la, blog aku kot! Tp tak mau la gtu, tak sopan plak. Kata bakal guru. Auwww!

Another question is why most of the entry is about my love story. Hmm, personally this is one of the medium for me to get all random thoughts yg sesak dlm kepala ni utk diluahkn. good news or bad news. Oleh sbb tak nak panjang-panjangkan hal ni supaya org tak salah faham lagi, lets take it as this is my personal blog, i wrote what ever i want, basically about my thoughts, what issue am dealing with, interesting activity and photography i shown on that day. Xde timbul isu asyik pasal cinta atau ape ke. Penah kot entry pasal aku bwt kek pisang. Sampai skrg member aku menganjing pasal tu. Tp xde plak dorg argue pasal ni. So okay la, pendapat masing-masing kan, aku terima semuanya. ;) 

I hope that i made clear why i blog and why in English. No offense, no misunderstanding, no wrong ok. If you have some thoughts, own ideas or own reason, please be free to inbox me. 

p/s: im no body still. Doesn't meant im good enough to explain all this things up. To be fair with myself, im just defending myself. Truly sorry if there is words may hurt your feeling. Chill and peace yaw! Till then my dear, salam.

-2.37 am-

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