Thursday, June 9, 2011

the way to a man's heart is through his stomach

Why do men love women who can cook? Why do they prefer them over women who can’t? Is it because they like to eat? Yes. Is it because the cliché saying that, “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” is it true? Definitely lah! Is it because a woman who can cook reminds them of their mom? Sure! Lebih-lebih lagi klu mak die can cooks well.  But at the core of all those truths lies something simpler  which is ...  Men love women who can cook because it means that their family will be taken care ofMen are designed to protect and provide. When it comes to our future families, he wants to make sure that our children have the basic necessities macam food, water, shelter, etc. Oh, and love too. Hehe. Providing these things shows our love! 

I know, he loves to eat. Ask anyone who knows anything about him and they will emphatically confirm that. Hmm, but the problem is... saya tak pandai masak lagi :( So it should come as no surprise that he, along with most men in the world, love a woman who can cook!  So I should LEARN how to cook starting from now. Simple masakan pun tak ape la kn? Nak buat mcm mana, sy mmg xde culinary abilities tu. Ada tp sikit, tak cukup sbb die suka makan! 

ketam masak sambal

ayam masak black pepper

P/s : Dua favourite masakan die. Kene belajar masak ni. There is just something so attractive and wonderful about a women who can create all the things that your stomach craves. Kan? Till then my dear, salam.


  1. btul, nnti kat umah bru..blaja msk k dear..

  2. hahaha.. umh baru nk masak ye.. hmm, cik fara la kne ajar sy!
