Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I‘ve always wanted  friends like ELENA and BONNIE in THE VAMPIRE DIARIES.
I do. I do have friends like them. its just that Im afraid and Im worried to call or text them and suddenly say this to them”Babe, aku ade masalah lah” Sebab? Everyone has their own problems. Who knows ,the moment when they received my msg, they are having their problem, they are taking care of something  and I out of sudden blabbering bout my INSECURITIES yg may not that important Please don't get me wrong when i didn't tell things that struck in my head.  

p/s : everybody has their own problem. Be cool, don't be so stressful! inhale and think wisely once again ain! Till then my dear, salam.
-budak tak mandi lagi-

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