Tuesday, June 28, 2011

quickie updates peepsss!

 The new semester is back! after a super-short, 3 weeks semester break. kesian kn? I got 6 subject to struggle. Three from my major subject and the rest will be the minor. Lecturer? Most of them mmg dh kenal. Okay, tak pyh cte psl class, so boring :( Hostel? hurm, skrg tgl kt dorm blok Fatimah Zahrah. Lbh kurg sebln lg akn pndah ke rumah sewa. Rumah sewa??? Yep! Since maktab dh tendang ktorg kuar so what choice do i have kn? Accept it dgn redha. 
:(  Class done, hostel done, what else huh? Life kt cni? Sumpah lifeless. Bila nk dpt duit niiii. hehehe. And hah! im losing my rhythm and momentum og blogging. I dont blog that often anymore and i honestly miss blogging! kdng2 tu xde idea pn ye gak! haha. So dont ask me why i rarely update my blog. Ok? It's just that im too lazy and too busy anyway? erk, pn boleh. busy tdo! Dh la, xnk mengarut. Last but not least, I guess u already know this one famous quotation...

"If you love someoneset them freeIf they come back they're yours, if
 they don't they never were."and i works tau!

Till then my dear, salam. 
-menjadi yg ketiga?, 22:16-

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