Sunday, May 22, 2011

Special entry for my dear Farahiyah

This clumsy girl right here, she is so what is called my best friend. She makes mistakes, she isnt perfect, and she may really 'kaki bebel'. But i dont care because everything she does makes me smile. We have so many funny memories together and i love her so much. She may not be perfect, but if she was we would never have as much fun! i love u girl. 

here's the birthday girl!
Opps sorry beb, she's taken
one of our best pic i think, hehe

p/s: u guys remember how scared am i when i lost my surat utk bg kt GB wkt BSE dlu? haa, rupanya surat tu ade kt budak ni. Grr! Btw, happy birthday farah. Semoga dimurahkn rezeki, panjang umur, yeah so typical one right? Erm, make a wish, go and celebrate your big day as u deserve to be. And  tlg jgn bebel byk when we are house mate nt yeah. hehehe. Till then my dear, salam.

1 comment:

  1. thankz sayang...:-)
    sori, br baca..n br on9..
    i'm really love dis entry..thankz!
