Monday, May 23, 2011

Boys, listen here!

"One of the most common reasons that girls break up with their boyfriends is that these guys become more and more jealous, controlling and possessive. Some guys don’t let their girlfriends go out on their own with friends, being afraid that some other guy will seduce her. Other guys tell their girlfriend what to wear, how to keep their hair, who to hang out with and otherwise trying to control their life. A woman who is in a relationship with a jealous and controlling guy will sooner or later will feel both unhappy and even suffocated and will also lose attraction to her guy, as jealousy is one of the most prominent signs of lack of confidence.  
Then, the break-up will be inevitable." 
Why is this happened?
I believe that, this is a combination of two reasons: first, if they really like the woman they are with, they want everything in that relationship to be perfect, which means that expect their girlfriend to be perfect as well perfect in a way that they imagine “perfection” to be, so they try to adjust who she is, how she acts, and how she lives her life to their own standard of perfection.
The second reason that guys become jealous and controlling is because they are really afraid to lose that special girl, and they feel that if they don’t keep an eye on her, she is going to slip away or some other guy is going to take her away from them.
So, how do you deal with your boyfriend’s jealousy and control issues? 
Many girls simply walk away!

However, in my situation, i wont give up easily. I admit there is reason why he become like that right? In my case, let me confess here. Personally i am very friendly person. Mudah sgt nk berkawan and very easy-going. So, unfortunately, my lovely sgt sgt la kuat cemburu in person. He's so protecting me which is another side, i was so happy. I feel there is someone out there who wanna loves me in that way and knp plk kte tak bersyukur kn. Of course la bersyukur seh! But on the other side, i feel so heart broken when i have to say over and over again about something. Coz he cant easily believe in me. Sedih kot! What choice do i have?  

Second one, saya pernah menipu dia dulu. That is my biggest mistakes ever tp almost two and half year back! Yes, i admit. i lied to him. I went hanging out with friends and i lied to him. So, that will be the permanent reason why he cant believe in me until now! also there were other mistakes i made day by day. So, it looks like am the one trouble maker here right? so okay, this is the truth.

ok should i move on? 
yep, perlu sbb i cant stand with this anymore! until today, we fight for small issues, we argue about who will win AF, heh tipu je la! mcm ade sorg kwn ckp, ok sekejap, gdh kjp, ok lama, gdh lg. haha. seems like she' handling the same problem like mine. Therefore, i wrote this entry.  Btw, this is not easy actually. Ye, sy brsyukur sbb die sungguh-sungguh protecting me. He wants to make me looks good in every sideways. and skrg pn dh terbiasa dgn cara mcm gtu. Cuma, somehow, kwn ajak keluar, takkan nk ckp busy je kn. And there is no wrong, kwn2 ajak lepak kn? Btw, jgn plk takut ajak i keluar ye pasni. heheh. Sometimes, mls nk ckp jujur sbb org tak prcya. Bak kata ain, ditelan mati mak, diluek mati bapal. Pepatah tu cm tepat je kt aku. 

p/s: whatever is that, i would not simply walk away like that.I'll try to fix it before i give up! This is because i really love him and committed to the relationship, and it is worth it at least trying to fix the problem before i leave. i do love you, till then my dear, salam.
sorry la ye, grammar berterabur! 2.35 am, i should study sket. byebye! 

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