Monday, May 16, 2011

A sister is a forever friend.

I am the first child in my family, and only have one sibling. A  sister. But when I was younger, I always secretly hoped that I’m not the eldest in the family. I always hoped that I could have a big brother or sister because I just didn’t like to be one. But now, I’m just so grateful that I have this crazy kid as my sibling, and this post is dedicated to her. So here we go…
lawa kn? bahahaha. 

Nurul Nadira bt Mohd Azmi. Usually called iya. Was born on 31 st December 1991. And she is 20 on this year!  So far what I can remember is we never stopped fighting. We always tried to push each other’s nerves. Big fights caused us been scolded all the time because mak abah couldn’t stand us. Hahaha. But as we grow up, we don’t fight that often anymore, although some things are still so debatable for both of us, but things are great now. It’s even getting better since she came to Mfi, Unikl Bangi to continue her study as Engineer of machine and building maintainence. Betul ke? Pnjng sgt course kau ni!  . Mine is in IPG Kampus Pendidikan Islam taking Phy Edu as my major subject and also in Bangi. Things we share brought us closer although it also can be the source of fighting. But we just stop hitting each other since high school I guess. Hehe, yeah we actually did hit each other, or throw things, or say bad words just for the sake of the fights. Not anymore now. And I’m glad because of that. Instead, I can share a lot of things, like dresses, shawls, even only the light ones. And I actually get along with her girlfriend.
Here we are. The only sibling i have. 
I might not be the best big sister ever. I might lose temper all the time. I might be annoying to her. But she should know deep down I love her to death! And we should unite! Because nothing can keep us apart, no matter how far we’re seperated to each other. And, the last, I pray for her to lead the most beautiful life, walk in the right path, and never get lost. Love you, you sister!

P/S : Org selalu keliru, pgl die kakak. Untung la babyface ;) hahaha. Pnjm bju dgn kasut ek. nk kuar jln dgn mmber aku. ;) Till then my dear, Salam.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha.. sory sory tersilap.. act 11 disember 1991.. baru la betol.. ghairah sgt pk ayat smpai tersilap.. peace yaw1
