Sunday, May 15, 2011

exams fever

 Why do we all fear examinations? Is it the expectation or the fear of failure? 

student A : i think this fever is just because of we don't complete the portion of our studies. or we think we have forgotten everything. this fever is really terrible. it really swipes me away!

Student B : I never fear it. Because I know if I have listened the teacher carefully,then I will get a better mark. If I do it carelessly,bad mark is also possible. So whatever you do,you should do your homework carefully and ask the questions in time when you found them!

Me Exam fever is almost always a result of lack of preparation. Lack of preparation happens when you leave the bulk of your reading to the last minute. 

Aceh, mcm bgs! Tp ckp tak serupa bikin. Mcm situasi aku skrg ni. Semua org ajak aku berbual, tny itu ini, bg ais krim asam boi wkt pns2 gni, mmg terbaik la kn! tak lupa jgk, wan bleh mesin kelapa elok2 je sebelah kusi yg aku ddk. bdk2 kck ni bkk cte wonderpet, nyanyi 'ape yg penting, KERJASAMA' sekali xpe, biasa la bdk2 kn. Teruja! Tp klu sampai bergdh nk jd itik la, nk jd tikus la. Semak weh! hmm, sapa yg ptt disalahkan ni? Oh 19 May, tlg la dtg lambat lg...

The last thing you want to happen to you in the exam hall is to be faced with a question 'Model Pengurusan Disiplin' and you have not the faintest idea of who created the model and what's the different of them. Urghh, benci nk hafal.Ok, its better understand and amalkan instead of hafal model2 ni. Tp xleh gak, since sekolah ckg suh hafal. Dh jd salah stu rutin belajar. Nk bwt cmne? Either way, wouldn’t you feel good about yourself if you were defining ciri-ciri guru afektif and using the langkah-langkah menangani disiplin bilik darjah as an example? Aces! 

P/s : Ok la, bdk2 TAK SUKA arahan ckg yg meleret2! So thn, Sleep well before the D-Day no matter how ill-prepared. Wishing all exam-writing readers the best this semester! Till then my dear, Salam.

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