Sunday, April 24, 2011

tanpa kata, mata boleh ceritakan segalanya

Byk post yang tak sampai hati nak publish. Biar la die tersimpan dalam draft tu.  Cukup la, aku dah luahkan tp tak perlu orang membacanya. Truly, I just a normal person with all kind of feeling. It has come to the point where i want to be alone and not be good friends with anyone anymore. I just want to smile and make small talk and then run away from people when i get the chance. I agree, am not perfect. Meaning that there is possibility orang tak suka kawan dgn kita. Sokay la, tp kn jgn la nmpk sgt. Kecik ati kot. Try immerse yourself into my situation, ape korg rasa? Tak best kn? And that is exactly the same what i feel. Semak, sarat, kosong, penat dan whatever! 

p/s: what you guys feel when one of your friend is actually pretending je berkawan dgn korg? I believe in second chance untuk berubah. Btw done with my netball coaching course today. Perlu rehat lepas solat ni. Makan tu nt je la, tak selera. Bf? hmm nth. Malas nk pk jgk. Semua perkara klu nk serius je, boring kot. Ehh, kang macam-macam lagi merepak! Hope things getting better when i woke up. Till then my dear, salam.

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