Thursday, April 21, 2011

kalau aku tidur atas duit...

I found myself being unable to write anything for the past two days, busy la. Not to worry though, of course, there is time to catch up. ;) You guys remember my previous entry, about 'bukan semua tidur atas duit'? But I found myself deep in thought. Although I already have some ideas on what to do if I have lots of money on my hands, I never really wrote it down. I knew if I was going to write something it better be what I truly want. So, What will I do with a million dollars? My mind and emotions were whirling. :D What would I do if I had a million dollars? Will I spend it? Give it away? Invest? How do I view money at this point in my life? Do I really want the one million dollars?

Ten percent of the one million dollars would be my emergency fund to help people who need it, anytime, no questions asked.To poor folks who needed the additional cash to buy medicines or food or even fare in going home. I’d like to be able sedekah to them. Twenty percent of the one million dollars would be my personal savings. I have learned that part of loving myself is taking care of myself. I still intend to live a simple yet comfortable lifestyle; but I’d like to have my own house with a garden, fulfill my bucket list and provide for my needs without my family worrying over my future. Super cool huh? Also bring my family to Mekkah for Haji. ;) Seventy percent of the one million dollars would be to create opportunities for a cause. I’d like to invest the money so that money would continue to flow and grow. I’d like to teach people how to fish rather than just give them fishes. 

As I end this entry, I found myself shaking my head and smiling. I’m such a serious soul! There is a tiny part of me that is whispering, “Hey, apa je la yg kau merepek malam-malam gini. Kenapa tak berangan bawak duit tu dalam red luggage, naik blue airplane, terbang ke angkasa lepas untuk landing wherever life will lead you? For a moment, I’m tempted. But then, no! These are my dreams and to see them come true will be a joy on its own.
So now I await the one million dollars... Hahahaha Thank you in advance. ;)
p/s : Some say one million dollars seems so little now. Till then my dear, salam.

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