Monday, April 25, 2011

why people said 'nobody is perfect'?

Are you tired out trying to be perfect, instead of just being happy to do your best in life? I think perfection is for losers. When you try so hard to make everything perfect, you bind your creativity. Instead of putting out something wonderful, you end up putting out crap that is over processed and boring. Greatness is not about being perfect! Being great means making mistakes, big mistakes and learning from them. My presentations will always need improvement. My English should be polish up. My handwriting will need to look prettier. My lesson plan will need to give more and more value. My sport skills should be upgrade. That’s the nature of the life. Master car technicians will always come across a problem that they can’t solve. You will have something that frustrate you. Just like what i went through this morning. I cant vaulting! Tau kn yg dalam gymnastics tu. I dont know why, there is something inside here that didnt allow me to kangkang melepasi lombol tu. Sumpah mental sgt down. Pity me huh?   I know i need to let go of what 'stucking' inside here. Tp nth la seh. Confident tu ada tp bila nk take off tu. hmmm. cm nk tercabut jantung aku weh! 

p/s : being perfect is an impossible dream. But getting the best is never stop trying. Go ain! Till then my dear, Salam.

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