Thursday, April 7, 2011

he is so comel. hehehe.

Eventhough we have been together almost four years now, i really cant explain what love actually means. I think love never requires any words for expression. Dont you think so? But at one time or another, we do need some help of words that will express the true emotions for that one person in your life that means more than the world. There may be several times in a day when I can't stand to see him, however, at the end of the day, I can't help but fall in love with him all over again. And there may be several reasons to be upset, mad, or angry at him, I just go back to loving him. 

For those who don't know me or the story of my love life, ours is a love couple which was not a smooth ride. There were many ups and downs that we've seen to reach this place. Therefore, trust takdir and jodoh Allah SWT. Coz i do trust His mercy. 

hahaha. sumpah comel. Sorry abg, amik gmbr tanpa izin. ;)

When i make mistakes, he will upset and mad at me.
Im laughing laudly when he makes joke and he adores me for that.
He is kind, gentle, friendly, and caring to his friends and family.
His honestly and untainted heart is loved by everyone around him.
He makes 'muka geli' when i said, its ok abg, tgk muka abg je syg jd kenyang'.
He says he's proud of me and i know that he really mean it.
I love to stay close at him like 24/7.
Even though we were in long distance relationship since we know each other, he only loved me.
He thinks he know me completely, but i dont think so..
I know he loves me more than anyone, and i'd like to believe that.
I love chocolate, he loves strawberry. But we're crazy with strawberry marshmallow cheesecake.
He is die hard fan of MU, but i got no idea about football.
Sometimes, for an entire day, he won't call me but argue that wanted to.
Whether I'm right or wrong, he always has my back.
We both wish to grow old with one another.
He's not romantic, but he tries to be.
He's the one who always buy me a present.
With him around, I don't feel like I need anyone else in this world.
His hugs are the most safest place on the planet.
Whenever I want, he pampers me silly.
He promised to give his I PHONE to me ... hehehe
He's a genius when it comes to computers... I am so relieved.
Sometimes he calls me 10 times a day to ask how I am.
He always remind me what to do and what im not suppose to do.
He cant be mad at me for a long time.
He knows how to give a smile to my face.
He looks good in short pants and t-shirt.
He loves dance while driving.
I love to hear his voice over the phone.
Growing up I never got a nickname but he has.. AYIE as his arwah Opah gave to him since he small.
He always smackdown his mother and i saw it in real. 
Whenever I was sick, he forcefully ask me to get medication.
For me, he's the best driver I've ever known. (besides my father and myself)
We always fight over 'where to go' to 'dating'.
He will go out of his way to make everyone happy.
While shopping for clothes, he trusts that I will buy the best ones for him.
When i go shopping for myself, he likes accompany me.
My family adores him.
He said i never know about car.
His mother is so nice to me.
Due to his presence, my life has a definite meaning now.
When he comes home from work, I suddenly become more happier and alive. (even we are too far).
I love him for the man he is; honest, respectable, and kind.
He said he want to call me tonight. ;)
P/s: actually very thankful to the guy who broke my heart! Because if it wasn't him, i would have never met 'THE ONE'! insyallah. Btw, Al-fatihah utk arwah Opah die yg baru meninggal semalam. Semoga ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Till then my dear, salam. ;)


  1. Assalamualaikum

    sweet cerita awk.bertuah dapat pkwe nsem

  2. wslm. xjgk bertuahnya tu. we cant have everything in our life kn? masih byk kekurangannya. Btw, thnx bce enrty ni. ;)
