Tuesday, March 1, 2011

uhibbuki lillah aidhon ;)

Im celebrating my 21 st birthday today and i would have never believe i'd have so many people wishing 'happy birthday ainku' as im telling you yesterday, 'today is my big day' ;) To me, everyday is a gift that’s why it’s called the present! So being alive today is my gift for waking up this morning to have this glorious day to enjoy. It made me think of this quote:
Birthdays come just once a year: They are a reminder that celebration time is here!
Even though tak celebrate secara besar-besaran or people come and see me to give birthday present tp rasa sgt bersyukur. Ramai yg ucap selamat hari lahir, selamat menyambut hari tua, dan mcm2 lg la.. it's remind me that i have bunch of friend yg sgt caring ! Thanks awk semua for the great wish, for the doa and sudi ingt my birthday. ;)
Thanks to mimi and fara for the strawberry marshmallow cheesecake my fav!. Ssh korg sorok cake tu ye. Siap ada lilin lg. seriusly xsangka and sgt terharu. ;( To mummy, abah, abg, adik thnks jgk. Tp akanku tuntut kasut bila balik nt. hahaha. Kawan2 maktab, thanks a lot. Kawan2 skola, my cousin, ayie's cousins, thanks a lot too. ily, really!
p/s: I spent my last minutes as a “birthday girl” hugging my bearbear. Every moments was so awesome, and I’m so grateful for having them by my side :) 
After this I went to bed… smiling from ear to ear ;)

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