Monday, February 28, 2011

Hadiah dr Gunung Angsi, N9

I went on hike up the Gunung Angsi last saturday with my classmate under JPP program. Unfortunely I jumped on some uneven ground and managed to twist my right ankle pretty bad and the pain was immediate. My lecturer asked me to moved the ankle up and down,in and out. But that is so yummy ;( I tried so hard to get up and ignored the pain that getting worse and worst. And finally i managed to come out from the mountain even though five minutes late arrived from my other friends. By the end of the day my ankle really hurt. The swelling was huge on second day. And today i cant wear my court shoes due to my ankle swelling being so big sampaikan i cant see my buku lali anymore. So pity me right?

 This is on second day. which is semalam la.
 And this is today. Dah lebam. Rasanya sgt la AWESOME.
.Jari ni tersiat sket sbb jatuh. Tp getting better. Kulit dh cantum semula. Masa kena air, huh terbaik rasanya.

I tried to sit with my legs crossed but it hurts. So i tent to sembahyang duduk which is i never pray like that before. So, this gonna be my new experienced ;) and i love it. Tehee.

p/s : Ada dua kegembiraan. Pertama, kawankawan pergi cari buluh utk bwt gajet masa PL kt Pangkor nt. Tp saya xyh pegi sbb ankle sakit. Hee. Second one, Harini hari lahir kawan saya, Dayana Alia Khalid. Wkt skola dulu pnh celebrate samasama. Sbb i tell u secret, esok birthday saya pula. Sigh ;) Happy birthday in advanced Ainku! Muahh. Till then my dear, Salam.

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