Tuesday, January 4, 2011

RoomSweetRoom ;)

Salam. Here we goes..
Okay, so sometimes when I post ideas,  I start worrying that people will think that 'Im over' (got that?) that they think (okay, enough already!!!) that I have everything under control.  That my life is tidy, happy, and perfect. I admit, I do like being creative. I have these ideas all the time, popping into my head, and disturbing important events...like sweeping and vacuuming and picking up. But honestly i got no bad intension ok. So, today tonight, I want to keep it real. Let me warn you, it's not pretty.  You may never be able to look at this the same again. But, HERE is what my room looks like in the mean-time. 
(Im showing you my room sharing with my best-roomie-ever, mimieOh, and I feel the overwhelming need to tell you that mimie and  I took this picture at night. Let pictures tell everything. Oke?

A bedroom is such a personal space it only seems right it should reflect an individual's personal tastes.
p/s : A big thanks to mimie sbb bagi permission utk snap pics on her side. and sumpah, i just want to share to you guys my RoomSweetRoom. Salam.

Till then my dear...


  1. salam.
    yes, i get what u mean.
    i got that a lot
    but hey, dont think to much what others will say.
    just ignore it.
    what matter the most is ur real intention.
    if people think otherwise then let them be.
    its their problem not ours.

    p/s: im also about to snap picture of my new painted wall in my hse and put it on my blog.
    im putting it just for sake of sharing. =)

  2. thnx fara.. dats so true. im putting those pics for sake of sharing to people out there.. and cant wait to see ur latest update! hurry up~ :)
