Sunday, December 18, 2011

home made by ainku

Since the last post was hanging. Cerita tak habis sbb the feeling was interrupted. No need to talk about it and just forget it ! Okay, so the holiday seems going fine, and sometimes so boring nak mampus. haha. No vacation, no side job, no income, no fun activities with friend, and bla bla. boring kn? haha. Tp syukur alhamdulillah sbb there was one fine day where Mr Bf tak ikut balik jb lepas hantar abg die di Sbn. And that time i was on my way to aerobic exercise with iya. Terkejut gle sbb mmg tak sangka la die akan stay Sbn utk beberapa hari. Hohoho.. Hati penuh bunga, perasaan bahagia come out! hiks.

And he followed us to Kompleks Belia Dan Sukan, Paroi. Dh la hari tu first time kne lead warming up session. Aicewah, nk cover malu lg, nerves nk mati weh! All in all, syukur everything was going well. Malam tu he asked me to have dinner together since abg and abg'gf also followed us. Dh stay Sbn, mmg tak bleh la klu tak ke mne2 esoknye tu, ye dak? hahah. So, we planned to go picnic. At first, kak jaja kne keje esoknya and along masih cuti. So, kami pujuk punya pujuk akhirnya kak jaja amik mc mlm tu. Berlakon kne gastric. Caya la kakak!

And on the day, i made nasi grg, and sardine sandwiches. Air rebena, dan air oren. Pastu potong buah kecik-kecik thn bubuh mayonis salad tu. Nth ape ke nmeny mknan tu. hahah. Meh tgk gambar dlu. eh?

abg macho bawak bakul. muka bleh tahan, tgn plk kebas bwk bakul berat. hahahaha!

owh, mizz nina haruslah bawak tikar sahaja. paling ringan. cewah!

haruslah peace dlu sblm menggigil dek air yg maha la sejuknye.

sweet couple ni. along and kak jaja. peace no war ! 

aku je over berpakaian, aku tau tu ! hahaha

happy family. 

tu la die, si kurus membuli si comel. ahax !

syg, jgn ketawakan aunt tu tak baik. pdhal die dlu berdekah kt situ seh. hahaha !

Ok, ckup utk cerita picnic ni. Em, the latest is, i just made marble cake. yuhoo ! Alhamdulillah sedap. wahh, cm syok sendiri je. Sapa nk puji klu bkn diri sendiri kn. ;) Here is the pics ;

sebelum di bakar. ini adalah akibat tgn bwt adunan die, mata pandang Lin  Dan lawan Cheng Long. hahaha.

setelah sejam lebih dibakar. rupanya suhu oven tu low. ptt la lambat sgt masaknya. hahaha

ini setelah dipotong tepinya. mmg keje aku ptg begini. sbb ske tepi die. tgh panas  pastu tepi die tu cm garing. Fuhh terbaik!

p/s: Actually post ni jd lambat di publishkan due to internet yang maha lembab utk mengupload gambar. Haa, kau ayat aku. Ada mcm cikgu ke? Tehee.. Till then my dear, salam.

-addict to burger shop, 19:27 pm-

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