Wednesday, November 30, 2011

choc cake home made

I made chocolate cake. It seemed appropriate since it's raining outside. My sister and i definitely had no idea what to do since mother went to a famosa, melaka (attending pertandingan peringkat kebangsaan on creating BBM) for three days. Apa la yg kami tiga beranak nk mkn ek. Abah dh standby sebungkus megi kari. hahaha.  All suddenly the idea came out after searching the suitable recipe on choc cake and ira dengan bangganya start enjin moto abah g kdi beli susu cair dgn buttercup. hahah. Semangat tu yg penting ! 

I have a secret to admit though. I'm not a huge fan of cake. Before you gasp, let me explain. Every bite of cake I had in my childhood was pretty despicable tak sedap! Full of artificial flavors, colorings, and that nasty birthday cake frosting that tastes like pure sugar. Most cakes are overly sweet, dry, and lack a depth of flavor. Can you blame me for not liking cake? tp kalau secret recipe'cake laju je. knp ek? sbb mahal, double standard or kek die mmg sedap? you guys choose. 
sebelum dikukus

selepas dikukus

Which isn’t to say it’s not good. It is. It’s rich and dense and very chocolatey. It’s cake, you guys

That's why when I decided to make a chocolate cake for this post, I knew I needed to find a recipe that would provide a cake that actually tasted of chocolate. It also had to be moist. I'm happy to say this recipe tastes uber chocolate and actually stayed moist for days. hopefully. :)

p/s :  thank you for this fantastic, amazing, wonderful, cake recipe. Mimi, aku dh tunaikan request kek kau :) Bila kek dh jadi, semangat nak cuba kek yg lain lebih excited. auw ! Till then my dear, salam.

-cik abg tgh moody, period agaknya 16:24 pm-

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