Tuesday, October 11, 2011

i'm back

After leaving blog for a while, i just realized i thought less than before, and didn't take the chance to summarize what's happening around me and reflect on what i did. Writing takes time but so does thinking. Instead of trying to play catch up with all the new things that i've done for the last few weeks, i will just start new here, and post the catch up as we go forward. 

Ok, lets start for the  :
last three weeks. Football coaching course. 4 days!  
last two weeks . Kursus manikayu 1 di Teluk Batik Perak. 4 days !  
last week . Kursus instruktor senamrobik. 4 Days !
                                       This week. Bina Insan Guru di Pagoh. 3 Days !

How's that? mcm CEO kn? hahaha. 
Missing home so much, missing bf so much too! 
And next two weeks will be holiday! Deepavali and Aidiladha. 

 p/s : To my dear Ayie Lorenco. Miss you so much abg. Thanks for your understanding to my busy schedule .  Will meet you soon. I love you. 
- missing home, mummy and abah, 21:08 pm- 


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