Saturday, September 3, 2011

something to share

Salam, I found this poem in the internet few days ago. I printed it, and stick to the wall close to my study table, and I still found it is very interesting. I like it much and I want to share the poem with u.

It is cool to be a muslimah...

We stay calm even in difficult situation. coz we know, Allah has His own plan for us. and He will never leave us. 

We don't do gossip. we think it's cheap. we don't talk rubbish - as such, no bad words
no cursing. 

We are not mannequins, showing off our bodies as if we are displayable.

We mix with other women, no matter how bad they are.

We are easy going - we don't get angry easily (patient is our weapon).

We depend on Allah alone - thus, there's no need to beg from others.

It is cool to be a muslimah ! 

p/s : Allah knows what's the best for us. Redha and doa ! till then my dear, salam.

-untung la dpt raya dgn bf, 1:03 am-

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