Sunday, May 8, 2011

Special entry for my dear Syamimi Tumiran

Tomorrow will be your birthday! 

know her since julai 2008

 we are at the same class, btw the best shooter in our team.
Believe me, she never mad, and always smile. ;)
 Dia tak layan movie melayu, ape lg lagu melayu. Cool huh?
We decorate our room together. and feel really upset since we've to moved out.
Siapa kata dia bdk baik. ni masa monthly assembly tau. Can u guys imagine it, can't u?
Taken by Mr Zahid. Sorry beb. hehehe.

First of all I would like to wish you a happy birthday in advance since your birthday is coming up tomorrow. Whoaa, esok kot birthday dia. By then,  I hope this happiness will throughout the year stay. I’ve been there with you so I know what you’ve been through. Remember the good times and forget the bad ones that’s my advice to you. We had fabulous times this year if you could close your eyes and remember. Just the two of us and the good times we may not again have ever.

May Allah Bless you with a long life filled with happiness and good health.

I hope you enjoy this day with your Family and friends and Dont forget to celebrate with full of kesyukuran because its your special day! You should take advantage of this huh. Your such a sweet cool person and a wanita melayu terahkir i ever known. By then you deserve all the wishes in this world. Mimi, thanks a lot for being my roommates since we moved in room C403. Such an honor to be your friend who know me hopefully in and outside of me. Like everyone know, i am full of emotion person. But then, i never be mad of you. You know me right???

P/S: Dont forget to make a wish before blowing the candles!! Its not everyday you get a chance like this Big smile Till then my dear. Salam.


  1. happy birthday mimi tumiran =).. dye mmg baik sokmo hihi

  2. hahaha. senyum sokmo.. thnx reading this entry. ;)

  3. hepi besday mimi...aku lupa lah nak wish kat dia atoiii....btw...kau 2 ain duk terkangkang besar gile pastu upload gambar 2...huh memalukan =)
