Monday, April 4, 2011

pretty random

I went to Pulau Pangkor last week for the first time in my life. Kesian kn? huhuhu. Sokay, at last i made it! The beaches were nice and the water was clean and calm. I get to Lumut by bus from KL within 4 hours. The ferry will take around 30-45 minutes and then the Pink-Barbie-Style-Taxi-Vans take us to Raudhah Camp in around 10 minutes. So not too long journey at all from KL, huh? 

google image.
Just be warned it is very quiet on a week day, most of Pangkor's visitors come on a weekend.

In day two, we've plan to do kayaking around Pangkor Island. However, since ombak sgt besar, gle tinggi sampai boleh surfing, so that we cancel it. Agak frust but a lil bit relieved sbb bygkn nk kayak satu pulau, hongeh beb. Hahaha. The lecturer give us some task to do. We have to walk around Pulau pangkor to get the sign from every checkpoint. it's called Kembara Pulau.Let me show you the picture of Pulau Pangkor first.
google image.
We started at Teluk Nipah, go to Pangkor Island, go to Teluk Dalam, go to Balai Polis, Balai Bomba, Masjid Teluk Raja Bayang, until 8 checkpoint and come back to Teluk Nipah. It's around 24 km tau. Can you guys imagine that? Scary is it?  hahaha. 
I have to stop some villager there to tumpang dorg sbb dh tak larat nk jalan kaki. And the best part, kami merasa tumpang lori sampah (tp dh bersih la), tumpang motor la, so that we can cut time and finish our task. Strategi yg bijak kn? haha. But i have through it with my group. Even though we were in second place but its ok. That will be my priceless memorials. ;) 

Day three, we do kayaking. We save others and they save us when out kayak capsized. Truly nervous and even though i wore B.A seems like im going to drowning. Huhu. Remember, dont panic when you are under water!
google image.
Day four, we do abseiling and orienteering. Yup, on top of the hill and get to the water's edge. It looks scary when i saw my friend cant balancing his body due to batu yg licin and i just thinking what if i hit the rock with my head. Oucch! Sakit kot. Tp safety byk. i have to work with safety line, all the karabinar, figure of eight, all the sling. And alhamdulillah, i done with all thing quiet well and selamat turun dengan baik. Yes! and the orienteering was the boring part. There was 10 klu and 10 blazer we need to find and the klu given was like sh*t. hahaha. Gle payah weh. Sumpah xske orienteering. I know that orienteering supposed to be fun but due to some mistakes, that make us horrible. Bygkn kne masuk semak, kebun org utk cari blazer. Hmm, sokay. nice try btw. Hope been given some opportunity to do  that orienteering some day.

Day five, to me it was the best activity over the week, hahaha. We played perang-perang.  hahaha. We've been divided into two group and given a packet of flour. We have to make a bullet using the flour. Since mixture of flour and water make the bullet lembik dan lembut, so that we roll it on the sand to make it tough and solid. Hahaha. Pandai kn? We have to protect our kubu and make strategies in order to win the game. We have to win two over the best three game and we made it! hahaha. It become more exciting when the rain starts to cry, erk btol ke? whatever. ;) The result? of cos team sy menang. Hurayyy! Then, we have survivor. Have to cook by ourselves. I want to make a confession here, i cant cook well. But let say im expert in hidupkan api. So true, i can make bonfire. Syukur, i got 8.1 point for the survivor. Tehee.

There's suprise at the middle of night. We got night walk. Sumpah horror. Only a candle and bbrpe langkah je dh trpadam. Sbb ujan renyai2. kesian aku. hahaha. Jalan gelap, no light, no one and i have to walk all alone to the camp. So freaking out. Xnk cte la, seram dh.

Finally day five, its time to pack up and BALIK. Hurayy. Bkn xseronok PL tu tp dgn xcukup tdo, kne pressure, activity gle hectic, serius xsabar nk balik. nk topup tdo yg kurang. Paling lame dapat tido pn 3 jam. Gle kau harihari tdo 3 jam. Dgn activity gle maha dasyat. Tok seh la weh. Kne masak la. Ok nk cte sket turn group aku kne masak. hahaha. Aku sorg je pmpuan. Actually sme group dpt sorg pmpuan. Unfortunately, aku seorang wanita yg xbrape pakar lagi memasak and come to worst pagi jumaat tu kne masak nasi lemak. Hambik kau, hahaha. Nk tepon mamy, sahsah la 4 pg tu die xbgn lg, nk call mak mentua, kang terkejut lak die. Penyudahnya tepon mak fara. Berbekalkan sedikit panduan, aku pn hentam la 4kilo beras. Amik kau, dh mcm nk bwt kenduri satu pangkor. Sbb dh tkt, aku kuarkn 2kilo. So masak cuma 2kilo je. Dh basuh beras, aku pn sukat la air thn masukkan santan. Bubuh daun pandan kasi wangi. Thn masak. Settle dh kononnya nasi tu. Thn msak sambal plk. oke, stu lg kejutan, bawang habis. TERBAIK! Time aku nk masak la bawang habis. Panic dh ni, masa berjalan, dorang pas kuliah subuh, senampagi nk makan dh. Lifesaver dtg, Farah! Die la yg handlekn sambal and nsb baik sedap. (die ketua ajk makanan oke, gle ape klu xpndai msk. kebulur la kami). Thnks fara sbb dh selamatkan aku. TAPI, nasi aku ttp lembik dan mentah. Hahaha. Kesian kwn2 aku mkn ns mentah. Sorry la beb, dh nsb korg dpt kawan xpndai msk ns lemak mcm aku ni. Tehee ;) Penyudahnya, nasi lemak aku td bg ikan makan masa snorkeling ptg jmt tu. Sedap ikan makan. ;)

P/S : Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't. And I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life’s experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life’s experiences would be a great mistake. First time tulis panjangpanjang.Sorry klu boring. Gambar nt sy upload dlm fb oke. Till then my dear, Salam 

-bdk hitam-


1 comment:

  1. cite la pgalaman kak ain yang malam solo2 tu....nk tau..=D
