Tuesday, March 8, 2011

selamat pagi cikgu ain!

hahaha.. am so proud to be TEACHER, am i? semangat gle kn? yup yup. Currently im doing my School Based Experience at Sek Keb Lukut. Take a look of those pictures ye..

Monday assembly. Yg nk botak tu, GB tau. ;)
GB yang sgt prihatin. Murid-murid tu berebut-rebut nk salam dgn die. Pastu GB usap kepala bdk2 pmpuan tu. Sweet huh? Yes!
Guru PJ. will be like her soon. 
First day harus la BIRU. Pilihan si abg tau. tehee!
Muka sembab due to tido pukul 4pagi. Fhm2 je la ape sbbnya. ;
Day three. Coklat bleh hilangkan stress? btol ke?
Day four. Melepak saje di bilik guru ;)
Day five. next week cuti smgu. Hurayy!

I still remember my college lecturer when she said, "Do not continue your course, because teaching is a difficult profession. If you want to be rich, the door is still open, change your course now." i'm now in my second year of teacher training centre. And the words of my lecturer are still fresh in my mind. Yes, she is right. Teaching is a very difficult job. Everyday lesson planning, disciplining the students, building good relationship with the administrators, co-teachers and even parents are hard tasks. But you know what? I'm happy and proud for being a teacher soon.  Yes, my profession is a difficult one. Yes, I don't have those material things but looking to them, make me smile. I don't know why. I just come back from reliv class. Know what, terpaksa jerit utk suruh dorg ddk tmpt msing2. Thn pas jerit tu tros nk tergelak sbb xsangke kne jerit utk dorg dgr ckp kte. Hampeh! I know they are not perfect students. They commit mistakes almost everyday and I smiled many times because of them. 

p/s : I am very proud to my profession and I want to teach students for the rest of my life. Cool huh? Poyo la weh. hahaha. Kau xtau aku terhilangkan surat dr maktab utk bg kt GB, tak ke menggelabah aku dibuatnya. Lucky me, sempat mntk kt kerani. Terpaksa tipu kte pihak maktab xbg salinan pd aku. hehehe.. Sorry ye.. Owh ye, my pics on next three days will be upload soon. Poyo! Till then my dear, Salam.


  1. Selamat Pagi CIKGGGUUUUUU!!!!

    dulu kite sebut kt cikgu..skunk kite lak yg dengar ucapan pagi dari murid2..huhuuhh
    hoooww sweett memoriess there aree...

  2. yup.. rse cepat masa berlalu.. and xsangka terjadi pd kte plk.. hehehe.. bte, thnx reading this entry!
