Saturday, March 19, 2011


There is the strangest excitement when the van pos laju come to my house yesterday. If you're awake then you're welcome to hear. I got a gift and it blew me away. From the far JB straight to here. To my house and the driver said it's for cik ain. And i was like Allahuakbar, i can't stop smiling;) Then the driver asked abah to sign the-receive-note-whatever- haha and abah take it for me. Btw masa tu ktorg baru je balik dr byr bill and mkn and beli brg and blahblah. Luckily straight balik rumah sbb mulanya mamy suh beli cili kering ;) tp xjd sbb takut abah lambat g solat jumaat. Itu la, mcm tau2 je hadiah tu dh nk sampai. Tehee! 

p/s: Btw thanks abg for the adorable gift. It's so cute and i love it. Xpyh ckp sini la ek, malu kn. ;) iya, hadiah dari kau mana? aku tunggu je ni. lambat pn xpe. hehehe. Till then my dear, Salam.

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