Saturday, January 1, 2011

Entry Untuk Dia

Salam. Hi everyone, say goodbye to 2010 and welcome 2011. Belum terlambat utk ucap Selamat Tahun Baru kn? And what is the first thing that comes to mind while thinking about New Year? No, apart from the party and bbq! It is New Year wishes. So, Semoga dirahmati and welcome 2011. Act, baru balik dari bbq dengan kawan2. tp sebelum 12 i dh smpai umh. Sambut kt umh je la. huhuhu.  So, make it short I want to make wishes to him here. How sweet, isnt it? First of all, i hope new year brings something new in our life. A resolution to bring hopes and a spirit to overcome all the darkness of past year. A determination to start all things with a new beginning which we failed to complete in the past year, some new promises to make life more beautiful, peaceful and meaningful and of completion of all desires that are deserve to be, to get ultimate pleasure. Boleh? I hope so yeah!

My wishes for you, Great start for Jan,
Love for Feb, Peace for March,
No worries for April, Fun for May,
Joy for June to Nov, Happiness for Dec,
Have a lucky and wonderful 2011.

Keep the smile, leave the tear,
Think of joy, forget the fear.
Hold the laugh, leave the pain
Be joyous, Coz its new year!

p/s : Wishing u a Wonderful Year,Where Dreams Become a Reality,Success Becomes  
         Routine n Happiness a Habit Happy New Year 2011. 

Till then my dear...

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