Thursday, January 20, 2011

'movement awak mcm professional instructor la' and i was like... ;)

Act, kolej kami mengadakan 'Hari Cergas', sbb harini kn cuti Thaipusam. So, kami diminta jd aerobic instructor pagi td. Lets njoy the piccas dlu, oke.

both of them are my jr.

 AJK Sukan dan Rekreasi kolej, sy cuma mantan shj

mimie tumiran, my roomie+my classmate+my partner 'batuka latin'!

Sebelum aerobik, amik gmbr dlu. kasi dpt feel. ;)

dewan besar ni sbnrny penuh dgn penghuni kolej Siti Khadijah.

Gigil gak mulanya, tp bila music dh kuat, layan saja!

Haruslah bergambar dlu.

we're physical education students. Bakal jd PE teacher xlama lg.

So let's we start going to aerobics with good proper diet and make our self healthy.

Currently, berat badan naik is one of the major issues pada kita kn, especially la girls kn? sumpah xcool! Tp ade je cara mudah utk kte turunkn berat badan dgn enjoying ourselves instead of straining and doing heavy workouts. Bwt ape seksa badan! Here is the easy way for you to lose your weight. 
Aerobics is one of the enjoyable type of exercise where we can lose weight without pain! teehee. 

The steps are fast and simple but with a goodly amount of variety. It's an hour of bouncing, twisting, punching, and side-stepping around, and it's fabulous! I always feel like going full out, and sometimes I can't NOT grin. ;(

And of course, it's really good exercise. It gets your heart rate up for a solid hour, makes you sweat, and works your muscles a bit too, but at the end you still feel like you have more energy than you did when you began.

p/s : By having good diet if we follow the aerobics then we can ask why you can’t lose the weight.  You don’t necessarily need to give up your routine but it’s good to try something different. Trust me. ;) Also, cik zihan puji senamrobik kami, A+ kot. Pasni akn bwt sebulan sekali. ;) Penat tp best! Till then my dear, salam..

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