Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why Do People Get Jealous

In life, people will dissappoint you over and over again. U will fall and break down. You may have friends who are negative or who put you down. This shows they have a problem but the tragedy is these people suck you dry of positive energy and being with negative people can only sap your inner strengths.But you have no one else but yourself to depend on. So, be strong, accept any challenge and don't ever say you give up just because you can't handle a little thing called problems. Deal with it like an adult, stand up for yourself.

Things happened for a reason. Our creator only test us because he knows how strong we are to handle a problem.

Everybody has a past, everybody made mistakes in life. Because to me, mistakes make us learn. Mistakes make us to be a better person in the future. It depends on how people handle their past. To deal with it or to hide. As for me, i choose to deal with it. Someone taught me a meaningful lesson about dealing and i'm trying to practice what he taught me.

We shouldn't be living in the past. We can never figure out about what's gonna happen next. But how we handle our present life will decide our future cause honestly we decide our own fate. Afterall, this is our life.

p/s to Dear Al : My name is ainku nurul ain. I'm 20 years old. I made a lot of mistakes in my life and i'm still learning to be a better person. 

Till then my dear...

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