Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ouch! Its hurt me...

To my so-called bestfriendsforever...
Yeah, we're tight. and Yeah we're fight too,
But through all of it. there's one thing that will never change,
We will be, Friends Forever!

Ok, now plz listen to me.
Im sorry for what I did before, I have explain everything rite and you know the reason why it happened. And yeah, I messed it all up and we all make mistakes. I had no idea what getting myself into but anyway I just wanted to say that im really really sorry! 

Im sorry for never being good friends enough to u but u just didn't know how much i love u coz u guys are my bestfriendsforever!

The world only goes round by misunderstanding.

tak cool la gaduh2 gni..jgn terasa apaapa oke..sume jd sbb misunderstanding je..xde spe yg salah oke..aku mntk maaf ye..

Till then my dear...