Friday, December 17, 2010

i feel sad and depressed

I just feel sad, I feel lonely and sometimes I feel empty. Of coz I'll cry. But I feel it for no reason. Jiwa sangat kosong. Hati tak tenang. Rasa nak menjerit and sometimes feel like want to cry like crazy. Tapi akal masih mampu berfikir. Masih tahu beristighfar dalam hati sampai aku tenang semula. I'm usually very happy and cheery but for some reason today, Im not. I feel emotionally deep, if that makes sense. hushh, I started to feel bad. Totally not wanting to smile ( and if I'd smile, its totally fake). Tapi I tend to just smile as best as I can! I know my life is great, I have so many friends who care very much to me, my degree study so far so good (i can handle it well) and nothing bad is going on that would make me feel this way. But when it comes to love, its just too complicated! Got fight and argue for a simple and small matter. Its sangat susah utk puaskn hati org oke. I think I might be clinically depressed but idk because I don't want to tell anyone about how I'm feeling. Sudahnya aku yg jgk yg menangis sorg2. Im just hide it behind the smile. Im a good pretender, am I?

Till then my dear...

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