And now, i feel like am giving up writing here, telling you people how i feel, how to survive and blah blah. It was like, lantak la nk jadi ape pn ! im just give up. But later then, it's not me. Im not the one who very easily to give up. In whatever i do, the last choice would be berserah je la, tawakal kn.
Straight to the point, im tired being 'terhegeh-hegeh to you'. Dont laugh at it.This is serious. Im
Dalam public, you said 'no matter what'i'll always be with you' and what happened on last night? No matter how hard, how tired, how busy you are, you supposed be with me. Right ? Owh yeah, all suddenly cite lme kau ungkitkn kembali. Yes, aku pnh sibuk , pnh penat, pnh tak de mse utk kau. But end of the day, aku ttp cantact kau. Eventhough tak dapat sembang, i'll text you, remember? Tapi kau, hmm. Bukan aku mintak lama pn kau spend masa utk aku. Ntah la seh, aku je kot emosi. Tbe2 smenya dtg balik pd aku. Grr !
When all this starts talking again, lain plk citenye. Seolah-olah aku merungut, tak faham kau. Aku rasa cm arghhh ! serba tak kene aku ni ek. That’s what I’ve been feeling these last few days, and I know you can relate, because every human being on this planet goes through these periods of agony.
p/s: PMS coming again. Maybe this is one the symptom. Kalau kau bijak, pandai la kau dtg pujuk. Tp aku bleh agak dh ape jd pasni. hmm. Till then my dear, salam.
-exam cm grr ! 13:04 pm-
ak doakan yg terbaik buat kamoo..aminn...